Buddy structure

Last updated 24. April 2024 | Webmaster

You can procrastinate forever, never have enough time, miss structure and commitment in your studies? Then maybe a structure buddy is something for you!

The idea is that you support each other through social commitment in your studies and create more structure. This can have many forms and shapes. For example, you can set a fixed weekly date for co-working in the library, set goals and report to each other on how they are being implemented, or tackle and reflect on your time management and study planning together.

Are you hooked and want to join in straight away? Then fill in the form and look forward to hearing from you with your buddy’s contact details.

For a few tips on how you can approach the whole thing, you can download the “How-to-Structure-Buddy” guide as a PDF file here.

Placement form:

Would you like to talk to your buddy about time management and challenges in study planning beyond Bib meetings?
What time of day do you concentrate best?
How often (every 2 weeks, once a week or several times a week) would you like to meet up with your buddy?
When do you have time? (Which periods on which days of the week are free?)
Would you like a buddy who is studying the same subject as you?
What is your field of study?
What semester are you in?
Here is space for other comments

Persönliche Angaben

Personal details
First name & surname (only the first name is passed on for mediation)
e-mail address
phone number
Which communication channel (messenger) do you prefer?
GDPR consent: I consent to this website storing my submitted information so that my enquiry can be answered. I also agree to my contact details being passed on so that a Struktur-Buddy can be arranged.