BAföG & Finance Consultation

Last updated 27. August 2024 | Buero

The AStA offers you a regular BAföG and financing consultation. Students of the Leuphana University of Lüneburg can take advantage of this free student counseling.

You can find that on this page:

BAföG Counseling

I will gladly assist you with e.g.:

  • Initial and further funding applications
  • Funding beyond the maximum limit
  • Change of subject
  • Proof of achievement after the 4th semester for undergraduates

You have questions about BAföG e.g.:

  • Earnings and asset limits for BAföG
  • Parent-dependent or parent-independent BAföG
  • BAföG abroad
  • Child allowances

BAföG application:

  • At you can download the forms for your BAföG application.
  • Zu einem Erstantrag gehören i.d.R. folgende Formblätter
    • Formblatt 1
    • Formblatt 3 (2 x)
    • Anlage 1
    • Certificate of enrollment according to § 9 BAföG
    • Copy of the rental contract
  • You can also get the forms at the Studentenwerk Lüneburg at Munstermannskamp 3 in Lüneburg.

Financing advice

Hardly any BAföG, stingy relatives, nothing saved, and no idea what you can do now? Take a dozen jobs or get into debt up with dubious credit offers? No, rather not.

I will be happy to advise you on all aspects of financing your studies. I will show you what options you have to finance your studies.

Come by for advising on how to financing your studies!

Before we meet, I’d appreciate if you write me an email to and briefly describe your current situation.

Appointments can also be made outside of office hours!


You are already in debt and are looking for a way out?

Then take advantage of the counseling services offered by Schuldenhilfe Sofort Lüneburg! They offer people free and expert debt counseling.

You can find them at and you can reach them by emailing .

The AStA offers you regular social counseling. Students of the Leuphana University of Lüneburg can take advantage of this free student counseling.

Social Counseling

If you have questions about

  • different employment typesas a student (e.g., mini-job, regular job, self-employment, internships),
  • the compulsory health insurancefor students (e.g., change from family insurance)
  • and much more

then feel free to contact me so that we can meet, and I can help you with your situation.