Last updated 9. October 2024 | StuPa
Our parliament
The 19th Student Parliament
The Student Parliament (StuPa) is the highest decision-making body of the student body. Essentially, the work of the StuPa consists of distributing and administering the student budget, co-determining the university policy course of the constituted student body, and passing ordinances, statutes, and guidelines. The budget is distributed to various student bodies, subject groups, etc. For example, EliStu, the university sports, and the DSi are being supported. In addition, the StuPa has a project funding pot where all students can apply for money with individual projects and applications. More information can be found here. The StuPa also regularly takes a stand on political conditions and events that are relevant to the university.
All resolutions of the StuPa are collected in the resolution database . The content of this is only accessible to members of the Lüneburg student body. If you would like to view the resolution database, send an email with your current certificate of enrollment to and you will receive the password!
The StuPa is elected every year; individual students or lists can run for office. These lists behave a bit like common political parties: they usually have a election program and when you vote for one person in the list, you vote for the whole list. Based on these votes, the 17 seats of the StuPa are distributed to the lists. You can join an existing list to vote or form your own.
The Chair
We, Olivia Fuchsloch (without list), Vivien Pritzkow (without list) and Marc Schreiber (campus.grün), preside over the Student*innenparlament (Students’ Parliament). We chair the plenary sessions and conduct the parliamentary business. This means that we prepare and follow up the meetings, maintain the website and hold discussions with many stakeholders while representing the parliament. Our minute taker is part of the team and is always there when it comes to the parliamentary business.
The preamble of the constitution
The student body of the Leuphana University of Lüneburg represents the students according to §20 (1) NHG and §41 HRG in all university-political, social, and cultural concerns of the students in the university as well as in society. In this sense, it also works for the political education of the students.
The preamble of the Statutes of the Student Body of Lüneburg, September 2020
The student body is committed to the mission statement of the Leuphana University of Lüneburg in terms of the sustainable and humanistic development of society. University and science have a central responsibility for peaceful, social, ecological, and democratic development. The student body strives for the unity of education, teaching, and research and thus for a free study, which enables maturity.
In this sense, it advocates the democratization of universities as well as their funding, genuine university autonomy, and the dismantling of educational restrictions. The student body works for the emancipation of all, against discrimination of any kind and is aware of its responsibility as a fundamental part of the university.