Election Newspaper
Last updated 9. December 2021 | Oeffentlichkeit
This year’s university elections are just around the corner. But what will be elected in the first place? Who is running and why should I vote?
You can find all this and more information in our election newspaper!
You can view them here as a PDF or pick up a hard copy at the AStA office.
Unfortunately, a complete translation of the election paper was not possible. Here are the most important information in English language!
About the election newspaper:
Inside the newspaper you will find all the relevant information about this year’s university elections from 13-15 December 2021. At the beginning, you will also find a short explanation of university politics, as well as an overview of the committees. You will also find a short explanation of all the committees you can vote for this time, as well as the names of the candidates and lists of candidates for the senate, faculty council and departmental representatives. The newspaper also gives the StuPa lists the chance to present their positions.
We hope you enjoy reading!
Notes on the election:
The election will take place from 13-15 December in the Forum of the Central Building. The polling station will be open during the following hours:
Monday 10am-4pm
Tuesday 10am-4pm
Wednesday 10am-12pm
Students must be able to identify themselves by a valid student ID and a valid photo ID in order to vote at the polling station.
Please also observe the valid hygiene measure: keep a distance of at least 1.5 metres from other people in the polling station and wear a medical mouth/nose covering.
INFO: Higher education politics
Your studies and life on campus are influenced to a large extent by the policies of the state of Lower Saxony, but also by federal and European policies. However, compared to other public institutions, universities have a certain degree of autonomy (academic self-administration). All status groups are represented in this. Central to this are, on the one hand, the faculty councils of the four faculties (education, cultural studies, sustainability, economics) and, on the other hand, the senate for the entire university. The other status groups besides students are academic staff, technical and administrative staff and professors. The latter have an absolute majority in all academic bodies with decision-making powers. The other status groups are in turn equally represented. For the faculty councils, this means a distribution of seats 1-1-1-4. The faculty councils control the deaneries and the senate controls the presidium.
We, as the student body itself, are also an autonomous sub-corporation (student self-administration).
This means that some important decisions can be made directly on campus. The procedure is often similar to “big” politics, because it also has decision-making and executive committees. Committees are groups that are provided for under a constitution and can make official decisions. Both for the university as a whole but also for students, self-administration is probably provided for by law. This results in academic and student committees.
Well-known bodies on the student side are, for example, the Student Parliament (StuPa), the General Student Committee (AStA), subject group representations/subject groups (FGV), and on the academic side the Senate, the Faculty Councils (FKR) and their committees. These are elected directly or indirectly by the members of the university.
To this end, the executive bodies must be democratically elected by all members of the student body, i.e. by you, among others.
by you, among others. The work of the student body consists (according to the Higher Education Act) of the representation of students in social, cultural and (higher education) political matters. It is also responsible for political education.
Through your enrolment you are automatically a member of the Lüneburg student body and therefore entitled to vote in student elections.
From 13th to 15th of December, the Student Parliament (StuPa), the Fachgruppenvertretungen (FGVen), the faculty councils (FKR) and the senate are elected.
Together with the Presidential Board, the Senate is responsible for the operation of the entire university, including the announcement of professorships. They also take care of the framework examination regulations, which lay down the general rules for your studies. The Senate is made up of ten professors, three students, three people from the administration and building services and three people from the academic mid-level staff (researchers and teachers without professorships). While the student members are elected every year, the term of office for the other elected persons is 2 years.
As a student, you can help decide who the three student members of the Senate will be. There is a list election.
The following three lists are up for election:
1st list: Christian Tuch (consisting of Christian Tuch)
2nd list: Marcel Hübert (consisting of Marcel Hübert)
3rd list: Students in the Senate (consisting of: Lea Marie Körber, Ali Simsek, Maria Anna Krolla, Luca Tom Thieme, Larissa Stumpe, Seyed Bahram Taghavi Araghi, Carlotta Britt Eklöh, Leonard Damhorst, Gesa Sophie Stubben, Finn Augustin,Josephine Kiecol, Max Julian Dietrich, Silja Geest)
The Faculty Councils, in turn, decide on internal matters concerning research and teaching, e.g. your subject-specific annexes to the examination regulations. The Senate and Faculty Councils not only work together as a whole, but also have work prepared in committees and commissions. The same people do not have to sit on these committees as on the higher-level body. Particularly important for us students are the study commissions in each faculty or the central study commissions (ZSK) for Bachelor or Master.
These take care of all matters relating to teaching, studies and examinations. Furthermore, half of the members of these commissions are students, which gives us a special opportunity to have our interests taken into account. In this, as in all other cases, these self-governments live from the commitment of those who administer themselves.
Here, one student member is elected for each faculty. As a student, you elect the student member for the faculty council of your degree programme.
Candidates for the list election of the Faculty of Education:
- Liste Marcel Hubert
(bestehend aus Marcel Hubert) - Liste FS Bildung + FS Psychologie
(bestehend aus: Gesa Sophie Stubben, Luca Tom Thieme, Laura Csorba, Tina Ewig)
Candidates for the majority election Faculty of Cultural Studies:
- Max Julian Diedrich
- Leon Follert
- Cedric Pfiffl
- Le Tuong Linh Tran
- Florian Jakob Wirth
Candidates for the majority election Faculty Sustainability:
- Milan Maushart
- Franziska Steinbrügge
Candidates for the majority election Faculty of Political Science:
- Christopher Bohlens
- Carlotta Britt Eklöh
- Jan Heinßen
- Arne Jacobs
Candidates for the list election of the Faculty of Economic Sciences:
1st list: Christian Tuch (consisting of: Christian Tuch)
2nd list: Student Council BEM (consisting of: Seyed Bahram Taghavi Araghi, Lea Marie Körber.
Jenny Halfina, Maria Quarta, Maja Tina Marie Engelke)
The departmental representatives (FGVen), each of which consists of two to five elected representatives and other volunteers, look after the interests of the respective degree programme.
Initially, these can be exchange events, parties or the Ersti-Tage (first year days), which not only take place before the start of the degree programme, but are also offered during the course of the degree programme. The FGVs also offer subject-specific events that link to or complement the regular study programme. In addition, your FGV is also your contact person for specific problems during your studies.
They are well networked within the faculties and look after the committees of academic self-administration there. Some FGVs have joined together to form Fachschaften, which represent several study subjects in order to be able to tackle problems even more effectively. The subject group representations also send members to the FGV Council, which must be consulted on matters that affect all FGVs.
Only those who are enrolled in the corresponding major / degree programme can be elected to an FGV. Students who are enrolled in the corresponding major / degree programme are eligible to vote (students can only vote for the FGV for their own degree programme). The elections are free, secret and direct.
In this year’s election, the student representatives in the Business Administration (B.Sc.) and Business Education programmes are elected by list voting with three votes.
Candidates for the degree programme Business Administration [B.Sc.] are:
List 1: Individual application “Christian Tuch”
(consisting of Christian Tuch)
List 2: Student Council BEM; FS BEM
(consisting of: Niklas Johannes Tenbrüggen, Sally Sophie Padilla Mora,
Lea Marie Körber, Jenny Halfina ,Seyed Bahram Taghavi Araghi)
The following are candidates for the Business Education programme:
List 1: Fachschaft BEM; FS BEM
(consisting of: Ole Florin, Robin Schier,Lena Christina Cuccovillo, Stine Malligsen
Thorben Ehlers , Julia Fricke , Rene Peter Kuschner)
List 2: Individual application “Verena Ida
(consisting of: Verena Ida)
In the degree programmes Economics and International Business Administration & Entrepreneurship, the subject group representatives are elected by a majority vote with five votes.
The candidates for the FGV Economics are:
- Lorena Maria Seifert
- Cornelius Kohleick
- Keanu Rose
- Julian Hintze
- Christopher Bohlens
- Pascal Haas
Candidates for the FGV International Business Administration & Entrepreneurship:
- Yelyzaveta Yakimova
- Jonas Jakob
- Valessja von Groeling
- Felix Mey
- Janna Zimmer
- Jakob Schulze
- Paulina Raja Brüling
The Student Parliament (StuPa)
The Student Parliament (StuPa) is the highest decision-making body of the student body. In essence, the StuPa’s work consists of distributing and administering the student budget, co-determining the course of the student body’s higher education policy and adopting regulations, statutes and guidelines. The budget is distributed to various student committees, subject groups, etc.. For example, EliStu, university sports and the DSi are supported. It also regularly takes a stand on political conditions and events that are relevant to the university.
The StuPa is elected every year; individual students or lists can run. These lists behave a bit like parties. They usually have a programme and when you vote for one person on the list, you vote for the whole list. The 17 seats are distributed on the basis of the total votes. Students who want to be on the StuPa can join an existing list, set up their own or run as an individual candidate.
This year the following lists are running:
- individual candidate Christian Tuch
- campus.grün; CG [Green university party]
- Juso Hochschulgruppe; Juso HSG [Young social democrat university party]
- Die Linke.SDS Lüneburg; SDS [Left socialist democratic university pary]
- Die vom Fach im StuPa; DvF
1. QUESTION: How do you differ from the other lists?
“My focus is on “longevity tuition fees”. I have decided to take up a certificate course in order to be able to work at the
to work at the university and I think that the studies need more time.” – Christian Tuch
“We as Campus.grün stand for green higher education policy at the University of Lüneburg. In the last student parliament, we represented you represented you with six mandates and were thus the largest list.”- Campus Grün
“The special thing about our list is that our members are very involved in many academic and student committees within our university. For example, because we have two student senators and two AStA spokespersons, we always bring together different perspectives and support each other in various processes. The members thus contribute to a broad expertise within the Juso HSG. In addition, people from many different courses of study are involved with us. Furthermore, we have a strong state and national association of other Juso university groups behind us and can thus also influence university politics supraregionally.” –Juso HSG
“We as Die vom Fach are a non-party list and interpret the primary task of the StuPa as a service provider for the student body.” – Die vom Fach im StuPa
“We stand for a fairer world, not only for change at the universities. To achieve this, we organise at the university, but also in movements and alliances. We are anti-fascist, feminist, anti-racist and anti-capitalist, organise demos and actions, and as students we influence what happens events in the city instead of only being active on campus.” – Linke SDS
2. QUESTION: Why do you want to have a say in politics?
“It’s very important to think about it and help shape it. I can only encourage other students to get involved politically.” Christian Tuch
“At the university level, we want to represent the interests and concerns of all students interests and concerns of all students in the best possible way – whether it’s a complaint idea or a request. We as Campus.grün are there for you students! We also stand for a committed StuPa, which, as the representative of the student body, is also involved in socially relevant issues. positions itself as a representative of the student body on socially relevant topics e.g. on racism, the climate crisis and sea rescue.” – CG
“From our point of view, a democratic community thrives on people getting getting involved. We are a group of highly motivated, experienced and fresh faces who want to shape our university in the StuPa. That’s why we want to do politics.” –Juso HSG
“Because change has to happen in the here and now. As SDS we fight resolutely and consistently anti-capitalist for social justice and social change. We know that changes in capitalism cannot be achieved by individuals, but that there must be broad-based struggles in society. Because together we can we can achieve more, we are organised in the SDS” – SDS
“In the last StuPa we were the only non-party list. That students do not only have the choice of political parties at the ballot box is an important concern for us.” – DvF
3. QUESTION: How do you deal with different opinions within the list?
“At the moment I am the only one in my list”.- Christian Tuch
“Of course there are also different opinions within our group, e.g. how best to tackle a problem. The diversity of opinions is very valuable in such discussions and can lead to completely new approaches. However, we all share the common values of anti-racism, queer feminism, justice and sustainability.”- CG
“We discuss all issues within the list and agree on a guideline according to the majority principle on a guideline. However, we trust our StuPa-members and give them the freedom to decide on the votes in the meetings.” –Juso HSG
“Because change has to happen in the here and now. As SDS we fight fight resolutely and consistently anti-capitalist for social justice and social change. We know that changes in capitalism cannot be achieved by individuals, but that there must be broad-based struggles in society. Because together we can we can achieve more, we are organised in the SDS.” – SDS
“Since we usually agree on what is in the interest of the student body, contrary contrary opinions are the exception with us. In such cases, however, we take our cue from the opinions of the entire list.” – DvF
4. QUESTION: What do you stand for?
Christian Tuch:
- New ideas / New impulses for Leuphana University Lüneburg.
- For the university as a whole- possibly more information for the students (e.g. cooperation with the with the TU Harburg or the retention of the engineering sciences)
- If necessary, more students should have access to the University of Lüneburg.
- more Master’s places at the University of Lüneburg
- If necessary, adapt the structure of Leuphana to the other universities.
- Is Leuphana a comprehensive university (like the University of Kassel, for example)? M.E. should be addressed
- Studies take time! Abolish long-term tuition fees! Bachelor’s degree after three years? Many
students work part-time (me too), so long-term tuition fees are the wrong the wrong way! - The university combines the topics of sustainability, economics and the environment very well. This course should be expanded.
These are jobs for Leuphana graduates. - Early support for young academics (important, if someone wants to become a scientist)”
- Sustainability: With our sustainability regulations, we have anchored this principle in the student body and want to build on it. We also demand a wider range of vegan dishes in the refectory and at university events, and we advocate for sustainable student mobility.
- Queer feminism and equality: It is important to us to increase diversity on campus. We need more FLINTA* and BIPoC in leadership positions at our university. We stand up against racism and discrimination in teaching.
- Free and democratic education: a university education must not depend on income, parental degrees, place of birth or other factors. Education must be accessible to every person!
Linke SDS:
- We stand for a world without capitalism. A world in which corporate profit interests do not take precedence over people, animals and the environment. In concrete terms, this means that social wealth is distributed differently and people are not exploited in wage labour or have problems affording food and housing.
- A world without capitalism means a health care system that has no profit interest, universities that can carry out critical teaching independently of outside companies, an economy that does not exploit the planet for capital gain
Juso HSG:
- One of our core issues is social justice – in concrete terms, this means that we work for fair education for all, strong BAföG, low tuition fees and fair SHK conditions. This also includes finding a safe and responsible way of dealing with Corona at university.
- We also campaign for feminist issues. In the last StuPa, we also worked strongly anti-fascist and against anti-Semitism and also offered corresponding workshops.
Die Vom Fach:
- We stand for digitalisation, transparency, internationalisation and comprehensible information policy
5. QUESTION: What specific things do you want to change at Leuphana (what do you advocate)?
Christian Tuch: See above [see previous answers]
- Queer Feminism, Antiracism & Social Justice: Equal representation on academic committees, Use of gender-sensitive language in courses & complementary offers such as workshops, University anti-discrimination office, Racism-critical training for all teaching staff. Recognition of the dgti supplementary card, Support programmes for working-class children. Making websites & teaching materials accessible, Promote and expand psychological counselling centres
- Sustainability & climate protection: Vegan/vegetarian meals cheaper than meat dishes, No Coca-Cola products in the canteen, More protected bicycle parking spaces, Student participation in the concept for a car-free campus, Stricter separation of waste and education campaigns, Make critical divestment demands on the university
- Free & democratic education: Unlimited additional CP, Integrate foreign languages into the curriculum, Free up more space for independent work, Strengthen student freedoms, Expand privacy-friendly alternatives, You can find more topics and our concrete demands for the next legislative period, in the StuPa can be found on our social media channels!
Juso HSG:
In the coming year, we would like to campaign in particular for the reduction of semester fees, the re-modelling of student finances into a responsible investment and a strengthening of the FGVs and Fachschaften. Furthermore, we as StuPa want to support the student senators in the discussions on the planned reform of the framework examination regulations (RPO).
Linke SDS:
We advocate for the university to be fully funded so that it is not dependent on third-party funding from companies, but can guarantee independent and socially critical teaching. We advocate for genuine democratic co-determination for students. This would mean that students have more than just 15% of the seats in the senate. We demand the recognition of the dgti supplementary identity card, which offers a low-threshold possibility for trans* and non-binary people to have their name and marital status recognised in the university context. Overall, we want the university to offer spaces for exchange, networking and political activities, which we can shape collectively. Other ideas are always welcome!
The goal must be to make university politics (see question 7) accessible and understandable to as many students as possible. Increased interest should lead to higher voter turnout, which is why the bodies to be elected (such as the StuPa) should consequently represent the entire student body even better.
6. QUESTION: What are the greatest obstacles at the university?
“see above [see previous answers].”- Christian Tuch
“Our university likes to write buzzwords like “sustainability” or “diversity” on its banners, publishes statements on them and is awarded prizes.
In practice, however, these promises often fail. We see it as the task of the student body to constantly put pressure on the university, to actually make progress on climate protection, diversity and justice.” -CG
“The conflict between didactically good face-to-face teaching and health safety is currently a major challenge. In addition
the planned changes to the framework examination regulations (Rahmenprüfungsordnung (RPO) critically, in order to achieve the fairest possible teaching and examination conditions for us students. In particular, we want to attendance and the abolition of additional CPs and to support our members in the
support our members in academic self-administration.” -Juso HSG
“The enormous pressure to perform and to study in standard study time. On the one hand through performance thinking, which is forced, on the other hand
by economic pressure, because many students cannot afford to study longer than to study longer than 6 semesters. Studying in a standard period of study
means being fully occupied, which leaves little time for political engagement, friendships political engagement, friendships, helping to shape the teaching and deeper with the content of the course. None of this has to be the case. This is what the historical 68 SDS fought against and this is what we are still fighting against.” – SDS
“At the moment, definitely the handling of the Corona crisis and its effects on studies and teaching. In addition, the adaptation to the prevailing
challenges of our time (climate crisis, digitalisation backlog, equality of opportunity).” – DvF
7. QUESTION: How would you like to bring university bring higher education policy closer to students?
Christian Tuch: “For many students, university politics is far away and not all of them get to hear
of important decisions and resolutions. That has to change!
Campus Grün: We as Campus.grün try to make our positions visible through various channels. We are also represented in the public relations committee and actively work on the StuPa channels.” – CG
Juso HSG: “We are students from many different degree programmes and faculties. and are therefore always accessible to our fellow students.
In addition, we would like to use a strong social media presence to StuPa issues through a strong social media presence.” -Juso HSG
Linke SDS: “By taking concrete action on issues that affect students. We deal with Hartz IV and pressure to perform, plan lectures on feminism
on feminism, anti-racism and other social struggles. In this way, we want to offer space for exchange and at the same time create low-threshold offers for political education at the same time.”
DvF: “The short protocols continue to be a step in the right direction, However, more intensive efforts should now be made, for example, to ensure linguistic
to make university politics accessible to the group of internationals as well.”
- Every vote counts! With your vote, you strengthen the democratic structures at our university!
- As a student, you have the chance to have a direct influence on university policy – and thus on your everyday life at university!
- Voting is also a privilege – not every university appreciates the influence of students.
- By voting, you are exercising your basic democratic right.
- Committees like the StuPa and the senate are essential for a functioning university – even if you are not directly involved in committees, you can support the representatives with your vote!
- With the elections, we students also always reflect the mood on campus.
- It’s about your money! Our student body has a budget of around €370,000 per year – the StuPa, which you elect, decides on this!
- The composition of the StuPa has a direct impact on your everyday life as a student – e.g. regarding the semester ticket or the semester fee.
…Last but not least: If you vote, you can automatically take part in the AStA competition – there are many big and small prizes to be won!